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251 files

Dataset for Deep Imaging Inside Scattering Media Through Virtual Spatiotemporal Wavefront Shaping - Hyperspectral Reflection Matrices of a USAF Target Under 1-Millimeter Mouse Brain Tissue

Version 2 2023-08-18, 15:03
Version 1 2023-03-02, 01:15
posted on 2023-08-18, 15:03 authored by Yiwen ZhangYiwen Zhang, Minh Dinh, Zeyu Wang, Tianhao Zhang, Tianhang Chen, Chia Wei Hsu

This dataset includes the experimental hyperspectral reflection matrices (complex-valued) of a 1951 USAF  resolution target underneath 1 mm of mouse brain tissue.

Using scattering matrix tomography (SMT), one can reconstruct the high-resolution USAF target image even with the presence of the strong scattering and aberrations induced by the biological tissue.

The SMT reconstruction code and more information can be found on GitHub.


CAREER: Nonlocal Metasurfaces with All-Angle Control of Light

Directorate for Engineering

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University of Southern California

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Competing Interest Statement

C.W.H, Z.W., Y.Z., and M.D. are inventors of US patent applications 17/972,073 and 63/472,900 titled “Multi-spectral scattering-matrix tomography” filed by the University of Southern California.