
Dataset Validation - VCF Files

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Version 3 2024-05-13, 21:54
Version 2 2023-08-11, 20:32
Version 1 2022-12-16, 03:13
posted on 2024-05-13, 21:54 authored by Renato SantosRenato Santos, Manuel CorpasManuel Corpas

This dataset contains VCF format files containing the whole genome sequence of the IBS001 genome, belonging to an IBS (Iberian Populations in Spain) individual. This genome was sequenced at 40X coverage in both Illumina and MGI sequencing platforms, and then respectively downsampled to 1x coverage with samtools. Genotype likelihood calculations and calling was performed using bcftools, and imputation of the low-coverage genotypes was performed using GLIMPSE1.

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Research Institution(s)

University of Westminster; Imperial College London

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Competing Interest Statement

MC is associated with Cambridge Precision Medicine Ltd.