
Quality-filtered soil shotgun metagenomes

posted on 2024-03-11, 21:32 authored by Kazumori MiseKazumori Mise, Yoko Masuda, Hideomi Itoh

Soil shotgun metagenomic data. We analyzed 1451 sets of publicly reusable shotgun metagenomic data from soil. The raw fastq sequences underwent merging of paired-end reads, trimming of low quality regions, and further quality filtering. This item provides the quality-filtered metagenomic sequences that are ready to be reused.

Because of the huge data size, the sequence files are grouped into 300 batches in this item. Each batch consists of one to several dozens of metagenomic data sets. Each file has been compressed using MFCompress ( Users are expected to decompress them using MFCompress.


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Research Institution(s)

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; The University of Tokyo

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